Recent Posts by Malcolm P Romano

How To Use TDS Water Testers

[caption id="attachment_17574" align="alignnone" width="900"] How To Use TDS Water Testers[/caption] How To Use TDS Water Testers | TDS water testers provide you with the tools required to detect the total amount of dissolved solids in water. Dissolved solids can include minerals, salts, calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, bicarbonates, chlorides, sulfates and other organic matter. TDS testers…
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E coli Test Kits: Testing for E.Coli Bacterium in Drinking Water

There has been an alarming increase in the demand for E coli test kits in developed countries including Australia. This sparks a major concern with local authorities due to poor water quality in regional areas. Queenslanders asked to boil all water before using for drinking purposes. [caption id="attachment_12347" align="alignnone" width="900"] E coli Water Test Kits[/caption]…
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How Does Lead Exposure thru Drinking Water Affect Your Body?

How Does Lead Exposure thru Drinking Water Affect Your Body? Government regulations with regard to drinking water require the ascertainment of contaminants and their maximum levels that can remain in drinking water without causing any harm to the health of the individual consuming it. The prevailing levels should be such that a sufficient safety margin…
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What does the Presence of Green Bath Water Mean?

What does the Presence of Green Bath Water Mean? If your bath water is tinted green or blue or your plumbing fixtures have blue or green stains around it's an indication of excessive copper levels in your bath water. And this has to be tackled immediately as absorption of more than the required levels of…
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Health Impact of Chromium in Drinking Water

Chromium in Drinking Water | Chromium largely occurs in the form of chromium-6 and chromium-3 in the environment’s natural waters. Chromium-3 or trivalent chromium is a required human nutrient whereas chromium-6 or hexavalent chromium is toxic in nature. [caption id="attachment_11004" align="alignnone" width="900"] Chromium in Drinking Water[/caption] How does Chromium Enter Drinking Waters Chromium comes into…
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Maintaining Water Quality in Rainwater Tanks

Maintaining Water Quality: Rainwater is considered by many as clean and pure though in reality it is not always so. The quality of your tank water will depend on the manner in which it has been collected. If the water is collected in rainwater tanks from roof runoffs then there may be a risk of…
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Residual Chlorine in Drinking Water

[caption id="attachment_10914" align="alignnone" width="900"] Residual Chlorine in Drinking Water[/caption] Brief on Residual Chlorine in Drinking Water Chlorine is added to drinking water as a disinfectant. However, chlorine in drinking water has different definitions depending upon the stage it exists during the disinfection process. Chlorine residual or free chlorine presence in drinking water is an indication…
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Insight Into Testing Bore Water Quality

Water from bore wells is one of the major water sources and is used for varied purposes such as irrigation, washing clothes or vehicles, flushing of toilets, showering as well as in the kitchen for preparing food and drinking. However, its use in kitchen largely depends on the quality of the bore well water. [caption…
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E coli Testing Kits: Testing for E.Coli Bacterium in Drinking Water

[caption id="attachment_10852" align="alignnone" width="900"] E coli Testing Kits[/caption] E coli testing kits help to determine the level of Escherichia coli in drinking water. E coli contaminated water is a cause of many deadly diseases around the world.  One of the many reasons for contamination is the presence of certain microbes like the E coli O157:H7.…
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Water Suppliers & Testing Specialists

Following is a list of water suppliers, water treatment and testing specialists in Australia, Papua New Guinea and New Zealand that you can refer to for expert advise on your water quality. [caption id="attachment_3954" align="alignnone" width="870"] Water Suppliers & Testing Specialists[/caption] Water Suppliers South Australia Water: VicWater: TasWater: Water Corporation W.A.…
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